Sunday, January 10, 2010


Yesterday, I took the advice of many seasoned Etsy Seller's and ventured into the Forums.  I checked out a couple of threads that I thought might apply to me and even made a few posts.  Then, to my surprise, I came across a thread stating "OK...I'm sitting here if you want honest Critiques"!  I have to admit, it definitely caught my attention. 

I, as any curious individual would do, investigated the shop.  Beautiful pictures, well designed page, and numerous sales.  To sign up for a review from this individual was an easy sell.  So I jumped on the band wagon and asked for their critique.

I must admit, I was pleasantly amazed to receive a response.  Better yet, an honest reply with some positives and a few negatives including recommendations on how I could improve.  I was treated to someone else's opinion on how I could better present my shop and all because they wanted to help others.  I am so honoured that this person took the time out of promoting their business to try and assist myself and many others.  I look forward to putting their suggestions to work. 

It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of starting a new business or keeping a successful business running smoothly.  Next time you find yourself with a few extra minutes, rather than day dreaming them away, try to put them to use giving someone else a boost.  Someday you might be the lucky recipient of another person's words of wisdom.

A very SPECIAL thanks to SPELLitOUTbyLSudler for taking the time to critique me!

To view SPELLitOUTbyLSudler's shop go to

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